It is time to think about nominations for the 2025 Maryland Small Business Week Awards!
Any individual or organization dedicated to the support of the small business community in the United States may submit business nominations for Small Business Person of the Year, Champion Awards and special Small Business Week Awards. Do you support Small Business in your area? Nominate a business you believe deserves recognition for their hard work. From Law Offices to Flower Shops. Any local small business can be nominated.
Small Business Person of the Year, Champion Awards, Small Business Exporter Award and special award winners will be selected at the state level. Nomination packages for each state Small Business Person award winner will be sent to regional SBA offices and prepared for transmittal to the SBA Office of Advisory Councils for review. Afterward, the National Small Business Person of the Year will be selected by the SBA Administrator, based on the recommendation of the SBA’s Small Business Week panel of judges. For this reason, nominations may be an opportunity to get involved in the National Awards.
All nominees for Small Business Week awards must be residents of and employed in the United States or its territories and will be subject to background checks. Small businesses owned and operated by nominees must comply with federal civil rights laws. The SBA size standards apply in defining a small business as small.
For questions or additional information, contact Rachel Howard by phone at (410) 244-3337 or by email at
© Maryland Small Business Week Awards Program, Inc. All rights reserved.